Retrieves all InDet::SpacePoint
data for Pixel and SCT.
- Author
- Nikos.Konstantinidis -at-, Eric.Jansen -at-, Juergen.Thomas -at-, Sebastian.Boeser -at-
This package contains the AthAlgTools
that retrieve inner detector data (Pixel- , SCT- and TRT-hits, clusters, etc. ) from StoreGate
and forward them to the formatting tool. Each tool implements the IDataRetriever interface, through which it is called from the AlgoJiveXML
- JiveXML::SiSpacePointRetriever - Properties
- PixelSpacePoints
= 'PixelSpacePoints'
- SCT_SpacePoints
= 'SCTSpacePoints'
- PRD_TruthPixel
= 'PRD_MultiTruthPixel'
: m_PixelPRDTruthName;
- PRD_TruthSCT
= 'PRD_MultiTruthSCT'
Retrieved Data
- x,y,z: coordinates of the spacePoint
- clusters: identifier of first (and second for SCT) associated cluster
- phiModule,etaModule: \(\eta\) and \(\phi\) of module in detector coordinates
- numBarcodes: number of truth particles associated with this SpacePoint
- barcodes: barcodes of associated truth particles
Retrieved Data
- x0,y0,z0 : local start position of the cluster
- x1,y1,z1 : local end position of the cluster
- width : cluster width
- id : id of of the SCT module
- phiModule,etaModule \(\eta\) and \(\phi\) of module in detector coordinates
- side : module side?
- numBarcodes : number of associated truth tracks
- barcodes : barcodes of the associated truth tracks
Retrieved Data
- id : unique identifier of the drift circle
- rhoz : \(\rho\) (for barrel) or \(z\) (for endcap) coordinate of the hit
- phi : \(\phi\) coordinate of the hit
- driftR : the drift radius
- threshold : wether the hit passed the high threshold or not
- numBarcodes : number of associated truth tracks
- barcodes : barcodes of the associated truth tracks
- sub : the barrel/endcap subdetector in which the drift circle is
- noise : wether the hit is flagged as noise
- timeOverThreshold : time over threshold of the hit
- bitPattern : the status word of the drift circle
Retrieved Data
- id: the identifier of the hit
- x,y,z: coordinates of the spacePoint
- phiModule,etaModule: \(\eta\) and \(\phi\) of module in detector coordinates
Retrieved Data
- id: the identifier of the hit
- x0,y0,z0: start coordinates of the hit strip
- x1,y1,z1: end coordinates of the hit strip
- phiModule,etaModule: \(\eta\) and \(\phi\) of module in detector coordinates
- timeBin: time bin of the hit in the 3 consecutive bunch crossing
- firstHitError: error flag for first hits data
- secondHitError: error flag for second hits data