ATLAS Offline Software
TrkRefitAlg Package
T. Cornelissen, M.J. Costa, W. Liebig


This package provides a configurable Algorithm, Trk::ReFitTrack, to refit tracks. In can be used to refit tracks with a different fitter and/or track model, to re-create track parameters at each measurement previously lost through data conversion or compression, and to merge tracks from two single-track collections. The output is written to a new track collection.

Note that this package is not meant to provide a full reconstruction strategy. For example combined track fits or improved fit strategies after particle identification should be implemented inside the offline Reconstruction CVS realm.

Steering the Trk::ReFitTrack

Trk::ReFitTrack is set up using standard Gaudi/Athena configurables

from TrkRefitAlg.TrkRefitAlgConf import Trk__ReFitTrack
MyReFitTrack = Trk__ReFitTrack (name           = "MyRefitTrack",
                                FitterTool     = ... )
topSequence += MyReFitTrack

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