ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Variables File Reference

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int RTTAlgmain.w = 6*len(histnames)
int RTTAlgmain.h = 7
int RTTAlgmain.h_th = 0
list RTTAlgmain.Matrix = [0 for x in range(w)]
 RTTAlgmain.currenttime =
 RTTAlgmain.rel = currenttime.isoweekday()
 RTTAlgmain.header = dict([("Object", max(len(h) for h in histnames)),("Test",max(len(t.split("_")[0]) for t in tests)),("p-value",21)])
list RTTAlgmain.std_line = ["Object","Test","p-value"]
 RTTAlgmain.files = ROOT.TFile(ref_filename), ROOT.TFile(rtt_filename)
list RTTAlgmain.trees = [file.Get(treename) for treename, file in zip([ref_treename, rtt_treename], files)]
list RTTAlgmain.hist_pairs = [(histname, tuple(tree.Get(histname) for tree in trees)) for histname in histnames]
 RTTAlgmain.output_file = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(output_directory, "power_of_test.root"), "RECREATE")
 RTTAlgmain.output_tree = ROOT.TTree("Tree", "Tree")
 RTTAlgmain.bins = np.intersect1d(*map(lambda hist: [hist.GetBinLowEdge(i) for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+2)], hist_pair))
 RTTAlgmain.address = np.zeros(1, 'float32')
string RTTAlgmain.htmalhisname = "tot_"+rtt_treename+"_"+histname.replace("/", "_")+".png"
string RTTAlgmain.branchname = '.'.join([histname.replace('/','.'), test.split('_')[0]])
 RTTAlgmain.branch = output_tree.Branch(branchname, address, "F")
 RTTAlgmain.p_arr = np.array(p_arr).round(5)
string RTTAlgmain.Testresult = "%s %s:%s +- %s" % (histname,test ,p_arr.mean(),p_arr.std())
 RTTAlgmain.f_html = open('RTTAlg.html', 'w')