ATLAS Offline Software


InDetPriVxFinder is a package which contains algorithm(s) to calculate the primary vertex of an event and to store the results to storegate. It makes use of the InDetPriVxFinderTools. All units are in mm and MeV.

How it works:

The alogorithm VxPrimary.cxx reads all tracks from StoreGate, calls one of the InDetPriVxFinderTool methods, retrieves a VxContainer and writes all info to StoreGate.

The jobOptions file:

The algorithm is automaticaly configured via genConf

  • Specifiy the name of the track input container:
    VxPrimary.TracksName = "Tracks";
    Remark: Only Trk::Track(s) are supported - so as long as the TrkLegacy package does not change its output name this can be left untouched.
  • Specify the name of the output container:
    VxPrimary.VxCandidatesOutputName = "VxPrimaryCandidate";