3 from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool
import GenericMonitoringTool
9 montool.defineHistogram(
'RpcOutOfTime', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Distribution of the BCID difference for the Rpc RoI out of Time; (Muon RoI BCID - Event BCID)",xbins=21, xmin=-10.5, xmax=10.5)
10 montool.defineHistogram(
'TgcOutOfTime', type=
'TH1F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Distribution of the BCID difference for the Tgc RoI out of Time; (Muon RoI BCID - Event BCID)",xbins=21, xmin=-10.5, xmax=10.5)
11 montool.defineHistogram(
'EtaOutOfTime, PhiOutOfTime', type=
'TH2F', path=
'EXPERT', title=
"Eta vs Phi of the Mupon RoI out of time; Eta; Phi", xbins=108, xmin=-2.7, xmax=2.7, ybins=96, ymin=-3.1416, ymax=3.1416 )