ATLAS Offline Software
The MuonGeoModelTest Package


This package is a colection of algorithms used for stand-alone tests of the geometry implementation provided by MuonGeoModel.

Algorithm Overview

MuonGMCheck - can be run in several modes, depending on the setting of internal flags (job-options); most relevant are:

check_mdt: loops over all MdtReadoutElements, dump the position of the center of first and last tube of each multilayer (in addition to a few other control quantities) check_csc: loops over all CscReadoutElements, dump the position of the center of first and last strip of each strip plane (in addition to a few other control quantities) check_rpc: loops over all RpcReadoutElements, dump the position of the center of first and last strip of each strip plane (in addition to a few other control quantities) check_tgc: loops over all TgcReadoutElements, dump the position of the center of first and last strip or wire gang of each gas gap (in addition to a few other control quantities) build_MdtRegionSelectorMap: produces MdtRegionSelectorMap build_CscRegionSelectorMap: produces CscRegionSelectorMap build_RpcRegionSelectorMap: produces RpcRegionSelectorMap build_TgcRegionSelectorMap: produces TgcRegionSelectorMap

MuonHitRelocation - runs on SimHit files; gets the local_position of the hit and relocate it back in the global reference frame; produces a ntuple with all hits (identifier fields, local positions, global positions, residuals in phi and z direction of the global positions with respect to a straight line track originating from a not spreaded IP at 0,0,0). Residuals are <0.1microns for samples of geantino's hits generated from a fixed IP.