- Author
- Yoji..nosp@m.Hase.nosp@m.gawa@.nosp@m.cern.nosp@m..ch
Digitization Introduction
This is a short description on the package. A detailed description is available in the note on the Muon Digitization.
This package has the following functionalities:
- conversion TGC hits generated by the simulation to TGC digits and
- simulation of TGC detector response.
of Hits to Digits
Hit positions of R and phi coordinates in TGC can be read by gangs of wires and strips, respectively. The parameters needed for digitization, such as number of ganged wires and boundary positions between strips, are gotten from MuonGeoModel which reads those parameters from amdb_simrec database. TGC digitizer calculates the id number of the wire gang or strip to which a hit belongs based on the parameters.
As the result of the digitization, TGC digits have offline ID which describes stationName/statonPhi/stationEta/gasGap/is_strip/channel for the digits.
Response Simulation
TGC digitization simulates the following detector responses:
- Multi hits: Multi hits in wire gangs and strips are due to ionization along track's path extending several wire gangs. These tracks potentially gives multi hits in wire gangs and strips. In addition, induced charge spread on cathode plane by avalanche around wire may make hits in several strips.
- Intrinsic time response: Variation of strength of electric field in a sensitive layer depends on position, this results in the dependence of time response on injection angle of a charged track which is defines the path of the track in the sensitive layer. The time response is parametrized as a function of injection angle by a field simulation. Signal propagation time along wires or strips are parametrized by the data taken at test beams.
- Detection efficiency (sensitivity): This can be also parametrized by the data taken at test beams. At the moment, a unique efficiency value is applied to wire gangs or strips independently. Eventually, the efficiency map for each sensitive layer, which has been taken at the test station with cosmic rays, will be used.