ATLAS Offline Software
TRT_GeoModel Package
Thomas Kittlemann, Joe Boudreau.


This package contains the factories for building the GeoModel Detector Description of the TRT detector. It builds both the material geometry using the GeoModelKernel and the readout geometry using classes in InDetReadoutGeometry.

The creation of the geometry is initiated by the DetectorTool (TRT_DetectorTool) which is called from GeoModelSvc. The DetectorTool calls the top level factory (eg TRTDetectorFactory_Full) which starts the building process.

The version of geometry is controlled by the Detector Description tag which can be specified at various levels (ATLAS, InnerDetector or TRT node).

See for current versions supported.

See the InDetDetDescrExample package for examples of how to load the geometry and access detector elements.

Class Overview

The package contains the following main classes: