ATLAS Offline Software
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def DeMoLib.MakeTProfile (name, xtitle, ytitle, xmin, xmax, nbins, color)
def DeMoLib.MakeTH1 (name, xtitle, ytitle, xmin, xmax, nbins, color)
def DeMoLib.SetXLabel (h, list)
def DeMoLib.MakeLegend (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def DeMoLib.returnPeriod (runNb, system, year, tag)
 Return the data period of a run based on the information stored in YearStats-[system]/[year]/[tag]/runs-ALL.dat. More...
def DeMoLib.retrieveYearTagProperties (year, tag)
 Return the year/tag properties (defect/veto/lumi tags...) stored in YearStats-common/DeMoConfig-[year]-[tag].dat. More...
def DeMoLib.strLumi (lumi, unit="ub", latex=True, floatNumber=False)
 Return a string with the luminosity in a human readable way If the unit is %%, this is a percentage. More...
def DeMoLib.plotStack (name, histo, index, indexName, histoIntLumi, lumiBool, resStack, resCanvas, resLegend, recovBool=True, compBool=False, approvedPlots=False)
def DeMoLib.initializeMonitoredDefects (system, partitions, defects0, defectVeto, veto, signOff, year, tag, runlist={})


int DeMoLib.iColor = 0
 NEWSYSTEM defects if system == "NEWSYSTEM": partitions["color"] = {} partitions["list"] = partitions["color"].keys() More...
list DeMoLib.colorPalette = [kBlue+3,kRed+1,kGreen-2,kOrange,kBlue-4,kMagenta+2,kYellow+1,kSpring-9,kAzure+6,kViolet-4,kPink,kBlue-9,kPink-6]