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handimod.py File Reference

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def python.handimod.handiWithComparisons (name, resultsFile, htmlDir, runlistLoc, compare, browserMenu, allDirsScriptDir, jsRoot=1)
def python.handimod.makeAllDirsXml (htmlDir, name, s, number, resultsFile)
def python.handimod.makeAllDirsFile (htmlDir, name, s, number, resultsFile)
def python.handimod.makeAllDirsBrowserFile (htmlDir, name, s, number, resultsFile, AllDirsScriptDir)
def python.handimod.makeSubDirFile (htmlDir, name, s, number, subname, assessIndex, runlistLoc, compare, AllDirsScriptDir, jsRoot)
def python.handimod.makeColorFile (htmlDir, name, s, number, subname, assessIndex, color, runlistLoc, compare, AllDirsScriptDir, jsRoot)
def python.handimod.writeLimitDiagram (k, limitName, lowColor, hiColor, loVal, hiVal)
def python.handimod.makeOneHistFile (htmlDir, name, subname, sp, runlistLoc, compare, jsRoot)
def python.handimod.makeRootFile (htmlDir, name, subname)
 t = htmlDir.split("/"); pref = "run"; stream = "no stream"; run = "no run"; for x in range(0,len(t)): if (t[x].find("run_")!=-1): run = t[x] if(x>1): stream = t[x-1] if(t[x].find("minutes10_")!=-1): pref =t[x] if(t[x].find("minutes30_")!=-1): pref =t[x] k.write(' More...
def python.handimod.makeCSSFile (htmlDir, name, subname)
def python.handimod.stringListSystemPaths (resultsFile, location)
def python.handimod.stringAllDQAssessments (resultsFile)
def python.handimod.saveAllHistograms (resultsFile, location, drawRefs, run_min_LB, jsRoot)


 python.handimod.CWD = os.getcwd()
float python.handimod.LBlength = 1.0
 python.handimod.jsonFileCull = set()
 python.handimod.inputname = sp[x+1]
 k.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+javaScriptLoc +'">
') More...
 python.handimod.algorithm = sp[2]
int python.handimod.extra = len(sp)-4
int python.handimod.cc = 4
int python.handimod.Green = 0
int python.handimod.cG = -1
int python.handimod.cR = -1
string python.handimod.currentHeading = ''
list python.handimod.namecache = []
 python.handimod.spi = sp[cc].find("Green")
 python.handimod.limitName = sp[cc][:spi]
 python.handimod.Red = float(sp[cc+1])
string python.handimod.name = ' '.join([namecache[-1]])
string python.handimod.resultname = name.rsplit(':', 1)[0]
 python.handimod.resultval = sp[cc-1]
string python.handimod.queryurl
string python.handimod.queryurl1
string python.handimod.queryurl2
string python.handimod.jsonPath = htmlDir+'/'+subname+'/'+sp[0]+".json" if sp[0] else ""
string python.handimod.jsonFile = open(jsonPath, 'r') if os.path.isfile(jsonPath) else ""
string python.handimod.jsonStr = jsonFile.read()
 python.handimod.now = time.localtime()
string python.handimod.lastUpdate = "Last Update: "+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z', now)