ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for InDetRttPlots, including all inherited members.
AthMessaging(IMessageSvc *msgSvc, const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging(const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | private |
AthMessaging(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
book(Htype *&pHisto, const std::string &histoIdentifier, const std::string &nameOverride="", const std::string &folder="default") | InDetPlotBase | |
book(TH1 *&pHisto, const SingleHistogramDefinition &hd) | InDetPlotBase | |
book(TProfile *&pHisto, const SingleHistogramDefinition &hd) | InDetPlotBase | |
book(TProfile2D *&pHisto, const SingleHistogramDefinition &hd) | InDetPlotBase | |
book(TH2 *&pHisto, const SingleHistogramDefinition &hd) | InDetPlotBase | |
book(TEfficiency *&pHisto, const SingleHistogramDefinition &hd) | InDetPlotBase | |
Book1D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBins, float start, float end, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book1D(const std::string &name, TH1 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, int nBinsY, float startY, float endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, TH2 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, Double_t *binsX, int nBinsY, Double_t startY, Double_t endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book3D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, int nBinsY, float startY, float endY, int nBinsZ, float startZ, float endZ, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
Book3D(const std::string &name, TH3 *refHist, const std::string &labels, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTEfficiency(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const float xlo, const float xhi, const bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTEfficiency(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const float xlo, const float xhi, const int nBinsy, const float ylo, const float yhi, const bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float startX, float endX, float startY=-1, float endY=-1, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, float *binsX, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, const double xlo, const double xhi, const int nBinsY, const double ylo, const double yhi, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfile2D(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, const int nBinsX, double *binsX, const int nBinsY, double *binsY, bool prependDir=true, bool useRMS=false) | PlotBase | |
BookTProfileRangeY(const std::string &name, const std::string &labels, int nBinsX, double *binsX, double startY, double endY, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
BookTree(const std::string &name, bool prependDir=true) | PlotBase | |
constructPrefix(std::string dir, bool prependDir) | PlotBase | privatestatic |
fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle &particle, const xAOD::TruthParticle &truthParticle, bool truthIsFromB=false, float mu=0.0, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle &particle, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle &particle, const float mu, const unsigned int nVtx, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const unsigned int ntracksFull, const unsigned int ntracksCentral, const unsigned int ntracksPt1GeV, const unsigned int truthMu, const float actualMu, const unsigned int nvertices, const float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::TruthParticle &particle, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::VertexContainer &vertexContainer, const xAOD::Vertex *recoHardScatter, const std::vector< const xAOD::TruthVertex * > &truthHSVertices, const std::vector< const xAOD::TruthVertex * > &truthPUVertices, const float actualMu, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::VertexContainer &vertexContainer, const unsigned int truthMu, const float actualMu, const float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle &track, const xAOD::Jet &jet, bool isBjet=false, bool isFake=false, bool isUnlinked=false, bool truthIsFromB=false, const float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillCounter(const unsigned int freq, const InDetPerfPlot_nTracks::CounterCategory counter, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillDuplicate(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth, const std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > &tracks, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillEfficiency(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth, const xAOD::TrackParticle *track, const bool isGood, const unsigned int truthMu, const float actualMu, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillEfficiency(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth, const xAOD::Jet &jet, const bool isGood, bool isBjet=false, bool truthIsFromB=false, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillFakeRate(const xAOD::TrackParticle &track, const xAOD::Jet &jet, const bool isFake, bool isBjet=false, bool truthIsFromB=false, float weight=1.0) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillFakeRate(const xAOD::TrackParticle &particle, const bool isFake, const bool isAssociatedTruth, const float mu, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillHisto(TProfile *pTprofile, const float bin, const float weight, const float weight2=1.0) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TProfile2D *pTprofile, const float xval, const float yval, const float weight, const float weight2=1.0) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TH1 *pTh1, const float value) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TH1 *pTh1, const float value, const float weight) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TH2 *pTh2, const float xval, const float yval) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TH2 *pTh2, const float xval, const float yval, const float weight) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TH3 *pTh3, const float xval, const float yval, const float zval) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TEfficiency *pTeff, const float value, const bool accepted, float weight) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillHisto(TEfficiency *eff2d, const float xvalue, const float yvalue, const bool accepted, const float weight) | InDetPlotBase | static |
fillNtuple(const xAOD::TrackParticle &track, const xAOD::Vertex *vtx) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillNtuple(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillNtuple(const xAOD::TrackParticle &track, const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth, const xAOD::Vertex *vtx, const int truthMatchRanking) | InDetRttPlots | |
fillTechnicalEfficiency(const xAOD::TruthParticle &truth, const bool isGood, const unsigned int truthMu, const float actualMu, float weight) | InDetRttPlots | |
finalize() | PlotBase | |
finalizePlots() | PlotBase | inlineprivatevirtual |
getDirectory() | PlotBase | inline |
InDetPlotBase(InDetPlotBase *pParent, const std::string &dirName) | InDetPlotBase | |
InDetRttPlots(InDetPlotBase *pParent, const std::string &dirName, const InDetRttPlotConfig &config) | InDetRttPlots | |
initialize() | PlotBase | |
initializePlots() | PlotBase | inlineprivatevirtual |
initMessaging() const | AthMessaging | private |
m_config | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_duplicatePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effInDetExtensionProcessorPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0Plots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effSiSPSeededFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effTRTSeededTrackFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_effTRTStandalonePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakeInDetExtensionProcessorPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakeSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0Plots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakeSiSPSeededFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakeTRTSeededTrackFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_fakeTRTStandalonePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hardScatterVertexPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hardScatterVertexTruthMatchingPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_histoDefSvc | InDetPlotBase | private |
m_hitEffPlot | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hitResidualPlot | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hitsFakeTracksPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hitsMatchedTracksPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hitsRecoTracksPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_hitsUnlinkedTracksPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_iDetailLevel | PlotBase | protected |
m_imsg | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_lvl | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_missingTruthFakePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_msg_tls | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_nm | AthMessaging | private |
m_nTracks | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_ntupleTruthToReco | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resInDetExtensionProcessorPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resolutionPlotPrim | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resolutionPlotPrim_truthFromB | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resolutionPlotSecd | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0Plots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resSiSPSeededFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resTRTSeededTrackFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_resTRTStandalonePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_sDirectory | PlotBase | protected |
m_trackParameters | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_bjets | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_fake | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_fake_bjets | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_matched | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_matched_bjets | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_truthFromB | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_unlinked | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkInJetPlots_unlinked_bjets | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkParaInDetExtensionProcessorPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkParaSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0Plots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkParaSiSPSeededFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkParaTRTSeededTrackFinderPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trkParaTRTStandalonePlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_trtExtensionPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_vBookedEfficiencies | PlotBase | protected |
m_vBookedHistograms | PlotBase | protected |
m_vBookedTrees | PlotBase | protected |
m_vertexPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_vertexTruthMatchingPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_verticesVsMuPlots | InDetRttPlots | private |
m_vSubNodes | PlotBase | protected |
mBook(T &pHisto, const std::string &histoIdentifier) | InDetPlotBase | inlineprotected |
msg() const | AthMessaging | inline |
msg(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
msgLvl(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
operator=(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
PlotBase(PlotBase *parent, const std::string &sDir) | PlotBase | |
RegisterSubPlot(PlotBase *pPlotBase) | PlotBase | inline |
retrieveBookedEfficiencies() | PlotBase | |
retrieveBookedHistograms() | PlotBase | |
retrieveBookedTrees() | PlotBase | |
retrieveDefinition(const std::string &histoIdentifier, const std::string &folder="default", const std::string &nameOverride="") | InDetPlotBase | |
setDetailLevel(int iDetailLevel) | PlotBase | |
setLevel(MSG::Level lvl) | AthMessaging | |
~AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | virtual |
~InDetRttPlots() | InDetRttPlots | inlinevirtual |
~PlotBase() | PlotBase | inlinevirtual |