ATLAS Offline Software
TrkDetDescrAlgs Package

This package contains validation and material association algorithms for the TrackingGeometry.

- The Trk::MaterialStepAssociation Algorithm is designed to map Geantino maps onto the
  static TrackingGeometry layers. The material is recorded using the Trk::MaterialMapper
  from the TrkDetDescrTools package.

- The Trk::TrackingGeometryValidation Algorithm records the TrackingGeometry material
  with the Trk::MaterialMapper AlgTool to be compared with the output from the 
  Trk::MaterialStepAssociation Algorithm.

- The Trk::GeometryBuilderTest is a simple test algorithm for the creation of the 

- The Trk::TrkDetDescrAthenaPoolTest checks reading and writing of TrkDetDescr EDM
  to Pool files.    
