ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Variables File Reference

Python flags that are used to configure C++ Psc. More...

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bool python.PscConfig.interactive = False
 In interactive mode, call AppMgr::initialize() in connect instead of configure. More...
bool python.PscConfig.exitAfterDump = False
 Exit after dumping job properties. More...
bool python.PscConfig.forcePSK = False
 Read PSK from database and ignore COOL. More...
dictionary python.PscConfig.optmap = {}
 string:string map equivalent to TrigPsc/Config.h (filled in TrigPsc.cxx) More...
list python.PscConfig.unparsedArguments = []
 Unparsed command line arguments that should be suppressed in reload_from_json. More...

Detailed Description

Python flags that are used to configure C++ Psc.

Frank Winklmeier

This module is loaded in Psc.cxx and some of the flags here are are used to configure the C++ instance.

Definition in file