ATLAS Offline Software
TileEventAthenaPool Package

This package handles the conversion of Tile data classes to Pool format.

Alexander Solodkov

In order to write the Tile EDM (Event Data Model) objects, defined in the TileEvent and TileSimEvent packages, into Pool files (ESD, AOD, ...), pool converters are needed. In many cases, the persistent version of the object can be a simple copy of the transient one, so the automatic conversion will be enough. However, in some cases a custom converter is needed if, for instance, type casts have to be used.

More details about Pool coversion here:

Pool conversion

The AthenaPoolCnvSvc package provides generic converters via a CMT poolcnv pattern. The Tile classes that use this are:

Pool conversion

The other Tile EDM classes have custom converters, defined in this package.


Both TileHit and TileHitVector (and soon, TileDigits), have implemented Transient/Persistent separation. More details here: