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class  python.AlgScheduler.AlgScheduler




def python.AlgScheduler.SetScheduler (self, theSched)
 exchange the current scheduler for another one More...
def python.AlgScheduler.OutputLevel (self, level)
 change the output level More...
def python.AlgScheduler.CheckDependencies (self, check=True)
 control checking of data deps at beginning of job for unmet input deps More...
def python.AlgScheduler.ShowControlFlow (self, show=True)
 control printout of control flow at beginning of job More...
def python.AlgScheduler.ShowDataFlow (self, show=True)
 control printout of data flow at beginning of job More...
def python.AlgScheduler.ShowDataDependencies (self, show=True)
 control printout of data dependencies at beginning of job More...
def python.AlgScheduler.setDataLoaderAlg (self, dataLoadAlg)
 set the DataLoader Algorithm to handle unmet input data deps More...
def python.AlgScheduler.EnableConditions (self, enable=True)
 enable condition handling More...
def python.AlgScheduler.EnableVerboseViews (self, enable=True)
 enable verbose view state logging More...
def python.AlgScheduler.setAlgRanking (self, rule="PCE")
 set algorithm ranking rule More...
def python.AlgScheduler.setThreadPoolSize (self, tps)
 explicitly set the thread pool size More...
def python.AlgScheduler.getScheduler (self)
 get the currently configured scheduler More...


 python.AlgScheduler.AlgScheduler = AlgScheduler()