ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #include "../DumpDecisions.h"
2 #include "../RoRSeqFilter.h"
3 #include "../PassFilter.h"
4 #include "../TriggerSummaryAlg.h"
6 #include "../InputMakerForRoI.h"
7 #include "../DeltaRRoIComboHypoTool.h"
11 #include "../ViewCreatorInitialROITool.h"
12 #include "../ViewCreatorPreviousROITool.h"
13 #include "../ViewCreatorNamedROITool.h"
14 #include "../ViewCreatorFSROITool.h"
15 #include "../ViewCreatorExtraPrefetchROITool.h"
16 #include "../ViewCreatorFetchFromViewROITool.h"
17 #include "../ViewCreatorCentredOnIParticleROITool.h"
18 #include "../ViewCreatorCentredOnClusterROITool.h"
19 #include "../ViewCreatorCentredOnJetWithPVConstraintROITool.h"
20 #include "../ViewCreatorJetSuperROITool.h"
21 #include "../ViewCreatorMuonSuperROITool.h"
22 #include "../ViewCreatorDVROITool.h"
23 #include "../ITestHypoTool.h"
24 #include "../TestHypoAlg.h"
25 #include "../TestHypoTool.h"
26 #include "../TestRecoAlg.h"
27 #include "../TestInputMaker.h"
Filter algorithm that always pass, needed to fill gaps in HLT CF.
Invokes HypoTools and stores the result of the decision.
In addition, a merged decisions collection is prepared. But not currently written....
Pseudo reco alg, reads input file formatted as follows: prop1:value, prop2:value; prop1:value,...