ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for IOVDbFolder, including all inherited members.
addIOVtoCache(cool::ValidityKey since, cool::ValidityKey until) | IOVDbFolder | private |
addMetaAttrList(const coral::AttributeList &atrlist, const IOVRange &range) | IOVDbFolder | private |
addMetaAttrListColl(const CondAttrListCollection *coll) | IOVDbFolder | private |
AthMessaging(IMessageSvc *msgSvc, const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging(const std::string &name) | AthMessaging | |
AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | private |
AthMessaging(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
bytesRead() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
cacheUpdateImplementation(T &obj, const ServiceHandle< IIOVSvc > &iovSvc) | IOVDbFolder | inlineprivate |
cacheValid(const cool::ValidityKey reftime) const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
ChanRange typedef | IOVDbFolder | private |
clearCache() | IOVDbFolder | private |
clid() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
conn() | IOVDbFolder | inline |
createTransientAddress(const std::vector< std::string > &symlinks) | IOVDbFolder | private |
currentRange() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
dropped() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
dumpFile(const std::string &dumpName, const cool::ValidityKey &vkey, IOVDbNamespace::Cool2Json *json, bool skipCoolIoV, IOVDbNamespace::BasicFolder *basicFolder, const std::string &crestNodeDescr, const std::string &specString) const | IOVDbFolder | private |
eventStore() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
extensible() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
fetchCrestIOVs(cool::ValidityKey since, cool::ValidityKey until) | IOVDbFolder | private |
fetchCrestObjects(cool::ValidityKey since, cool::ValidityKey until, bool vectorPayloadFlag, cool::ValidityKey vkey, const std::string &nodeDesc) | IOVDbFolder | private |
folderName() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
folderType() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
fromMetaDataOnly() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
getAddress(const cool::ValidityKey reftime, IAddressCreator *persSvc, const unsigned int poolSvcContext, std::unique_ptr< IOpaqueAddress > &address, IOVRange &range, bool &poolPayloadRequested) | IOVDbFolder | |
initMessaging() const | AthMessaging | private |
IOV2Index typedef | IOVDbFolder | private |
IOVDbFolder(IOVDbConn *conn, const IOVDbParser &folderprop, MsgStream &msg, IClassIDSvc *clidsvc, IIOVDbMetaDataTool *metadatatool, const bool checklock, const bool outputToFile=false, const std::string &source="COOL_DATABASE", const bool crestToFile=false, const std::string &crestServer="", const std::string &crestTag="", const bool crestCoolToFile=false) | IOVDbFolder | |
IOVHash typedef | IOVDbFolder | private |
iovOverridden() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
iovTime(const IOVTime &reftime) const | IOVDbFolder | |
joTag() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
key() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
loadCache(const cool::ValidityKey vkey, const unsigned int cacheDiv, const std::string &globalTag, const bool ignoreMissChan) | IOVDbFolder | |
loadCacheIfDbChanged(const cool::ValidityKey vkey, const std::string &globalTag, const cool::IDatabasePtr &dbPtr, const ServiceHandle< IIOVSvc > &iovSvc) | IOVDbFolder | |
m_addrheader | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_autocache | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cacheattr | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cacheccend | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cacheccstart | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cachechan | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cachehint | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cacheinc | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cachelength | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cachepar | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cachespec | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_cfunctions | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_channames | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_channums | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_chanrange | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_chansel | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_checklock | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_clid | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_conn | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_crest_tag | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_crestCoolToFile | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_crestServer | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_crestTag | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_crestToFile | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_currange | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_dropped | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_eventstore | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_extensible | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_folderDescription | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_foldername | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_foldertype | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_fromMetaDataOnly | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_imsg | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_iovoverridden | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_iovoverride | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_iovs | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_jokey | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_jotag | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_key | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_lvl | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_msg_tls | AthMessaging | mutableprivate |
m_multiversion | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_named | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_nbytesread | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_ncacheread | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_nchan | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_ndbread | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_nm | AthMessaging | private |
m_nobjread | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_notagoverride | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_outputToFile | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_readtime | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_retrieved | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_source | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_tag | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_tag_info | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_tagoverride | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_timestamp | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_typename | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_useFileMetaData | IOVDbFolder | private |
m_writemeta | IOVDbFolder | private |
magicTag(std::string &tag) | IOVDbFolder | private |
msg() const | AthMessaging | inline |
msg(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
msgLvl(const MSG::Level lvl) const | AthMessaging | inline |
multiVersion() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
noOverride() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
objectIteratorIsValid(cool::IObjectIteratorPtr &objItr) | IOVDbFolder | inlineprivate |
objectIteratorIsValid(CoraCoolObjectIterPtr &objItr) | IOVDbFolder | inlineprivate |
operator=(const AthMessaging &rhs) | AthMessaging | private |
overrideOptionsFromParsedDescription(const IOVDbParser &parsedDescription) | IOVDbFolder | private |
p_clidSvc | IOVDbFolder | private |
p_metaDataTool | IOVDbFolder | private |
p_tagInfoMgr | IOVDbFolder | private |
preLoadFolder(ITagInfoMgr *tagInfoMgr, const unsigned int cacheRun, const unsigned int cacheTime) | IOVDbFolder | |
printCache() | IOVDbFolder | |
readMeta() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
readTime() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
resetCache() | IOVDbFolder | |
resolvedTag() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
resolveTag(const cool::IFolderPtr &fptr, const std::string &globalTag) | IOVDbFolder | private |
retrieved() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
setCacheLength(const bool timeIs_nsOfEpoch, const unsigned int cacheRun, const unsigned int cacheTime) | IOVDbFolder | private |
setDropped(const bool dropped) | IOVDbFolder | inline |
setFolderDescription(const std::string &description) | IOVDbFolder | inline |
setIOVOverride(const unsigned int run, const unsigned int lumiblock, const unsigned int time) | IOVDbFolder | |
setLevel(MSG::Level lvl) | AthMessaging | |
setSharedSpec(const coral::AttributeList &atrlist) | IOVDbFolder | private |
setTagOverride(const std::string &tag, const bool setFlag) | IOVDbFolder | |
setWriteMeta() | IOVDbFolder | |
specialCacheUpdate(CoraCoolObject &obj, const ServiceHandle< IIOVSvc > &iovSvc) | IOVDbFolder | private |
specialCacheUpdate(const cool::IObject &obj, const ServiceHandle< IIOVSvc > &iovSvc) | IOVDbFolder | private |
summary() | IOVDbFolder | |
tagOverride() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
timeStamp() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
useFileMetaData() | IOVDbFolder | |
writeMeta() const | IOVDbFolder | inline |
~AthMessaging() | AthMessaging | virtual |
~IOVDbFolder() | IOVDbFolder |