ATLAS Offline Software
This is the complete list of members for ClassIDSvc, including all inherited members.
ClassIDSvc(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc) | ClassIDSvc | |
CLIDMap typedef | ClassIDSvc | private |
dump() const | ClassIDSvc | |
fillDB() | ClassIDSvc | private |
finalize() override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
getIDOfTypeInfoName(const std::string &typeInfoName, CLID &id) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
getIDOfTypeName(const std::string &typeName, CLID &id) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
getRegistryEntries(const std::string &moduleName) | ClassIDSvc | private |
getTypeInfoNameOfID(const CLID &id, std::string &typeInfoName) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
getTypeNameOfID(const CLID &id, std::string &typeName) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
handle(const Incident &inc) override | ClassIDSvc | |
initialize() override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
isIDInUse(const CLID &id) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
isNameInUse(const std::string &name) const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
lock_t typedef | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_clidDBPath | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_clidMap | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_DBFiles | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_mutex | ClassIDSvc | mutableprivate |
m_nameMap | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_outputFileName | ClassIDSvc | private |
m_tiNameMap | ClassIDSvc | private |
maybeRescan() const | ClassIDSvc | private |
mutex_t typedef | ClassIDSvc | private |
NameMap typedef | ClassIDSvc | private |
nextAvailableID() const override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
processCLIDDB(const std::string &fileName) | ClassIDSvc | private |
reinitialize() override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
setTypeForID(const CLID &id, const std::string &typeName, const std::string &typeInfoName="") override | ClassIDSvc | virtual |
sortedIDs() const | ClassIDSvc | private |
TypeName typedef | ClassIDSvc | private |
uncheckedSetTypePackageForID(const CLID &id, const std::string &typeName, const std::string &typeInfoName) | ClassIDSvc | private |