- Author
- Anna..nosp@m.Sfyr.nosp@m.la@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h Brian.nosp@m..Pet.nosp@m.ersen.nosp@m.@cer.nosp@m.n.ch Tomas.nosp@m.z.Bo.nosp@m.ld@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
This packages contains several small python scripts and python modules to ease the use of bytestream files
- pickEvents.py : save selected events from a bytestream file
- PickErrorEvents.py : save events in different streams based on the algorithm errors recorded in data file
- addL1.py : Recalculate RoIB fragments based on the DAQ fragments if original RoIB fragments are missing. Can be used as an event-modifier in athenaMT
- replaceMUCTPI.py : Recalculate MuCTPi RoIB fragment based on the DAQ fragment. Can be used as an event-modifier in athenaMT
- truncateEvents.py : Truncates certain ROD fragments in a BS file
- PickEventsCastor.py : save selected list of events from specific run and stream, from CASTOR
- mergeBSfiles.py : Merges all events from a list of directories