ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Variables File Reference

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int Lb2Lll.EvtMax = 1000
bool Lb2Lll.antiParticle = False
bool Lb2Lll.filterLVL1trigger = True
bool Lb2Lll.filterLVL2trigger = True
int Lb2Lll.pTcutLVL1trigger = 6000
int Lb2Lll.pTcutLVL2trigger = 4000
bool Lb2Lll.filterHadrons = True
bool Lb2Lll.bQuarksBSignalFilter = False
bool Lb2Lll.fastGeneration = False
bool Lb2Lll.doNotWritePOOL = False
bool Lb2Lll.readRndFromFile = False
 Lb2Lll.outLevelBChains = DEBUG
string Lb2Lll.ntupleType = "AANT"
bool Lb2Lll.bothLambdaBFinsel = False
bool Lb2Lll.forceHadronization = False
int Lb2Lll.repeatHadronization = 20.
bool Lb2Lll.oldTypeSetup = False
 Lb2Lll.topAlg = AlgSequence()
 Lb2Lll.PythiaB = topAlg.PythiaB
 Lb2Lll.EvtDecay = topAlg.EvtDecay
 Lb2Lll.BSignalFilter = topAlg.BSignalFilter
 Lb2Lll.EventSelector = Service ("EventSelector")
 Lb2Lll.HbookHistSvc = Service( "HbookHistSvc" )
 Lb2Lll.THistSvc = Service ( "THistSvc" )
 Lb2Lll.AANTupleStream = Algorithm( "AANTupleStream" )
 Lb2Lll.HistogramPersistencySvc = Service( "HistogramPersistencySvc" )
 Lb2Lll.Stream1 = AthenaPoolOutputStream( "Stream1" )