ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides a place to put AlgTools related to ID alignment. The available AlgTools (so far InDetAlignDBTool and InDetAlignTrackSelTool) are discussed below.
The InDetAlignDBTool AlgTool provides tools (methods) to manipulate the set of AlignableTransform objects which make up the ID alignment database. For more details on the object format, see documentation for the InDetAlignAlgs package. Note that the format changed at release 10.5.0 when COOL was introduced and the writing of seperate transforms for each side of SCT modules was suppressed.
On initialisation, the InDetAlignDBTool builds a list of AlignableTransform names appropriate to the current geometry (e.g. CTB or full ATLAS, with or without middle pixel layers). It provides the following methods (see the header file for detailed parameter list).
When reading/writing to an ntuple, the ntuple is numbered 9002. The format is similar to the old ntuple 9000 alignment ntuples, but the transformation 'level' has been added, allowing the global transforms for the whole detector or detector layers to be written and read back too. Unlike ntuple 9000, the r-phi and stereo sides of SCT modules are not included as separate modules.
Note that when reading back an alignment database through the tool (e.g. from a text file or ntuple, the database will be loaded into memory, but there is currently no method to tell the ID detector descrption to 'pick up' the new alignment constants (no IOVSvc call backs available). This can only be done when the database is stored as objects in a POOL file. The readback can then be triggered either by loading the POOL file directly using the CondProxyProviderSvc, or by loading it via entries in the conditions database. See the joboptions and in InDetAlignAlgs for examples of how to do this.
The tool has the following properties:
The algorithm InDetAlignWrt in InDetAlignAlgs provides some examples of how to use the methods in this AlgTool.
The DBRoot parameter can be changed to allow the tool to manipulate a different instance of the alignment constants in the TDS and conditions database. This can be used for example to store the SCT/pixel survey data (also consisting of AlignableTransforms for every module) in the conditions database in the folder /Indet/SiSurvey. For more details of this, see the documentation of the InDetAlignWrt algorithm in InDetAlignGenAlgs.
The DispCSC method inside InDetAlignDBTool allows to generate the misalignments of the Pixel and SCT detectors for the CSC exercise. The misalignments are generated at three different levels, where, depending on which, the reference frame for the transformation to be applied may change. These levels are quoted below:
For more details you may take a look on the wiki topic SiliconMisaCSC and related links inside.
This DispCSC method is triggered while setting the property:
of the InDetAlignWrt algorithm in InDetAlignGenAlgs to the desired level of misalignment. A combination of different levels is valid. For example, if we want to generate misalignments for all silicon modules (level 3) and silicon subdetectors (level 1), without any misalignment for silicon layers nor disks (level 2), we should set:
For the CSC sets, misalignments at all different levels need to be generated. Thus, it remains mandatory to set:
The properties the user can set are almost identical for all the three levels. The misalignment constants can be generated in four different ways:
The properties
DistTypePixelBaModules DistTypePixelEcModules DistTypeSCTBaModules DistTypeSCTEcModules DistTypePixelLayers DistTypeSCTLayers DistTypePixelDisks DistTypeSCTDisks DistTypeID
allow to select between the different ways explained above and have an effect for Pixel barrel modules (DistTypePixelBaModules), Pixel endcap modules (DistTypePixelEcModules), SCT barrel modules (DistTypeSCTBaModules), SCT endcap modules (DistTypeSCTEcModules), Pixel barrel layers (DistTypePixelLayers), SCT barrel layers (DistTypeSCTLayers), Pixel endcap disks (DistTypePixelDisks), SCT endcap disks (DistTypeSCTDisks) and ID subdetectors (DistTypeID).
The only allowed values for these properties is an integer number in the range [0;3] where each number means:
0: fixed numbers 1: flat distribution 2: gaussian distribution 3: truncated gaussian distribution
If other value different from the above is set, StatusCode::FAILURE is returned.
If the numbers are chosen to be generated from a distribution, then additional properties may be set, as the mean and the sigma of the given distribution. The distribution characteristics can be specified for all 6 variables considered for the transformations leading up to the desired misalignment: 3 translations and 3 rotations (defined by three angles: alpha, beta, gamma).
As an example for the pixel endcap modules, if the following properties are set as:
Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_x = 10 Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_y = 10 Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_z = 30 Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_a = 0 Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_b = 0 Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_g = 0
Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_x = 0.020 Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_y = 0.020 Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_z = 0.060 Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_a = 0.001 Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_b = 0.001 Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_g = 0.001
the in-plane translations will be generated according to a gaussian distribution centered in 10 microns and with sigma 20 microns, the out-of plane translation according to a gaussian centered in 30 microns and with sigma 60 microns, and the three rotations according to gaussians centered in zero and with sigma equal to 1 mrad.
If a truncated gaussian is chose, additional variables may be set:
TruncGaussCut_X TruncGaussCut_Y TruncGaussCut_Z TruncGaussCut_A TruncGaussCut_B TruncGaussCut_G
which specify, for each of the different movements, the limit value times the sigma out-of which the generated numbers are rejected. The default values are:
InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_X(2.) InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_Y(2.) InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_Z(2.) InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_A(2.) InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_B(2.) InDetDBTool.TruncGaussCut_G(2.)
which means that the generated numbers that do not remain in the range [-2*sigma; 2*sigma] are rejected.
For completeness, all available properties including their default values for all three levels are shown below.
All displacements are given in mm and rotations in mrad.
Note the different suffix for level 3 misalignments (lowercase) with respect level 2 and 1 (uppercase). This is intended for differentiating the local to the global frame.
InDetDBTool.DistTypePixelBaModules(1) - distribution type, Pixel barrel modules (in this case: flat) InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_x(0) - mean value of distribution for x translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_y(0) - mean value of distribution for y translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_z(0) - mean value of distribution for z translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_a(0) - mean value of distribution for alpha rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_b(0) - mean value of distribution for beta rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Mean_g(0) - mean value of distribution for gamma rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_x(0.030) - sigma value of distribution for x translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_y(0.030) - sigma value of distribution for y translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_z(0.050) - sigma value of distribution for z translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_a(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for alpha rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_b(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for beta rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Sigma_g(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for gamma rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_x(0) - fixed value for x translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_y(0) - fixed value for y translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_z(0) - fixed value for z translation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_a(0) - fixed value for alpha rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_b(0) - fixed value for beta rotation, Pixel barrel modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ba_Fix_g(0) - fixed value for gamma rotation, Pixel barrel modules
InDetDBTool.DistTypePixelEcModules(1) - distribution type, Pixel endcap modules (in this case: flat) InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_x(0) - mean value of distribution for x translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_y(0) - mean value of distribution for y translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_z(0) - mean value of distribution for z translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_a(0) - mean value of distribution for alpha rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_b(0) - mean value of distribution for beta rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Mean_g(0) - mean value of distribution for gamma rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_x(0.030) - sigma value of distribution for x translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_y(0.030) - sigma value of distribution for y translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_z(0.050) - sigma value of distribution for z translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_a(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for alpha rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_b(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for beta rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Sigma_g(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for gamma rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_x(0) - fixed value for x translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_y(0) - fixed value for y translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_z(0) - fixed value for z translation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_a(0) - fixed value for alpha rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_b(0) - fixed value for beta rotation, Pixel endcap modules InDetDBTool.Pix_Mod_Ec_Fix_g(0) - fixed value for gamma rotation, Pixel endcap modules
InDetDBTool.DistTypeSCTBaModules(1) - distribution type, SCT barrel modules (in this case: flat) InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_x(0) - mean value of distribution for x translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_y(0) - mean value of distribution for y translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_z(0) - mean value of distribution for z translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_a(0) - mean value of distribution for alpha rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_b(0) - mean value of distribution for beta rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Mean_g(0) - mean value of distribution for gamma rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_x(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for x translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_y(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for y translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_z(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for z translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_a(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for alpha rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_b(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for beta rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Sigma_g(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for gamma rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_x(0) - fixed value for x translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_y(0) - fixed value for y translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_z(0) - fixed value for z translation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_a(0) - fixed value for alpha rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_b(0) - fixed value for beta rotation, SCT barrel modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ba_Fix_g(0) - fixed value for gamma rotation, SCT barrel modules
InDetDBTool.DistTypeSCTEcModules(1) - distribution type, SCT endcap modules (in this case: flat) InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_x(0) - mean value of distribution for x translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_y(0) - mean value of distribution for y translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_z(0) - mean value of distribution for z translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_a(0) - mean value of distribution for alpha rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_b(0) - mean value of distribution for beta rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Mean_g(0) - mean value of distribution for gamma rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_x(0.100) - sigma value of distribution for x translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_y(0.100) - sigma value of distribution for y translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_z(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for z translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_a(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for alpha rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_b(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for beta rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Sigma_g(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for gamma rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_x(0) - fixed value for x translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_y(0) - fixed value for y translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_z(0) - fixed value for z translation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_a(0) - fixed value for alpha rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_b(0) - fixed value for beta rotation, SCT endcap modules InDetDBTool.SCT_Mod_Ec_Fix_g(0) - fixed value for gamma rotation, SCT endcap modules
InDetDBTool.DistTypePixelLayers(0) - distribution type, Pixel barrel layers (in this case: fixed values) InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_X(0) - mean value of distribution for X translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_Y(0) - mean value of distribution for Y translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_Z(0) - mean value of distribution for Z translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_A(0) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_B(0) - mean value of distribution for Beta rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Mean_G(0) - mean value of distribution for Gamma rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_X(0) - sigma value of distribution for X translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_Y(0) - sigma value of distribution for Y translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_Z(0) - sigma value of distribution for Z translation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_A(0) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_B(0) - sigma value of distribution for Beta rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Layers_Sigma_G(0) - sigma value of distribution for Gamma rotation, Pixel barrel layers InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_X(0.020) - fixed value for X translation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_Y(0.010) - fixed value for Y translation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba0_G(0.006) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, pixel barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_X(-0.030) - fixed value for X translation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba1_G(0.005) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, pixel barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_X(-0.020) - fixed value for X translation, pixel barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, pixel barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, pixel barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, pixel barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, pixel barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_Ba2_G(0.004) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, pixel barrel layer 2
InDetDBTool.DistTypePixelDisks(1) - distribution type, Pixel endcap disks (in this case: flat) InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_X(0) - mean value of distribution for X translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_Y(0) - mean value of distribution for Y translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_Z(0) - mean value of distribution for Z translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_A(0) - mean value of distribution for Alpha rotation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_B(0) - mean value of distribution for Beta rotation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Mean_G(0) - mean value of distribution for Gamma rotation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_X(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for X translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_Y(0.150) - sigma value of distribution for Y translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_Z(0.200) - sigma value of distribution for Z translation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_A(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_B(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for Beta rotation, Pixel endcap disks InDetDBTool.Pix_Disks_Sigma_G(0.001) - sigma value of distribution for Gamma rotation, Pixel endcap disksPixel Endcap-A disks
InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk1_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk2_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcA_Disk3_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcA disk 3Pixel Endcap-C disks
InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk1_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk2_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_Y(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_Z(0) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.Pix_EcC_Disk3_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel-EcC disk 3
InDetDBTool.DistTypeSCTLayers(0) - distribution type, SCT barrel layers (in this case: fixed values) InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_X(0) - mean value of distribution for X translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_Y(0) - mean value of distribution for Y translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_Z(0) - mean value of distribution for Z translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_A(0) - mean value of distribution for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_B(0) - mean value of distribution for Beta rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Mean_G(0) - mean value of distribution for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_X(0) - sigma value of distribution for X translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_Y(0) - sigma value of distribution for Y translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_Z(0) - sigma value of distribution for Z translation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_A(0) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_B(0) - sigma value of distribution for Beta rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Layers_Sigma_G(0) - sigma value of distribution for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layers InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_Y(0) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_B(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba0_G(-0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 0 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_X(0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_Y(0.040) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_B(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba1_G(0.009) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_X(0.070) - fixed value for X translation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_Y(0.080) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_B(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba2_G(0.008) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_X(0.100) - fixed value for X translation, SCT barrel layer 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_Y(0.090) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT barrel layer 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT barrel layer 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel layer 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_B(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba3_G(0.007) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel layer 3
InDetDBTool.DistTypeSCTDisks(0) - distribution type, SCT endcap disks (in this case: fixed values) InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_X(0) - mean value of distribution for X translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_Y(0) - mean value of distribution for Y translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_Z(0) - mean value of distribution for Z translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_A(0) - mean value of distribution for Alpha rotation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_B(0) - mean value of distribution for Beta rotation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Mean_G(0) - mean value of distribution for Gamma rotation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_X(0) - sigma value of distribution for X translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_Y(0) - sigma value of distribution for Y translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_Z(0) - sigma value of distribution for Z translation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_A(0) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_B(0) - sigma value of distribution for Beta rotation, SCT disks InDetDBTool.SCT_Disks_Sigma_G(0) - sigma value of distribution for Gamma rotation, SCT disksSCT Endcap-C disks
InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_X(0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_Y(0.040) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk1_G(-0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_X(0.010) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_Y(-0.080) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk2_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_X(-0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_Y(0.020) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk3_G(0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_X(-0.080) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_Y(0.060) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk4_G(0.002) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_X(0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_Y(0.040) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk5_G(0.003) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_X(-0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk6_G(0.004) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_X(-0.030) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_Y(-0.020) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk7_G(0.005) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_X(0.060) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk8_G(0.006) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_X(0.080) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_Y(-0.050) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Disk9_G(0.007) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA disk 9SCT Endcap-C disks
InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_X(-0.050) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_Y(0.050) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk1_G(0.008) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 1 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_Y(0.080) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk2_G(0) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 2 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_X(0.020) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_Y(0.010) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk3_G(0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 3 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_X(0.040) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_Y(-0.080) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk4_G(-0.008) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 4 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk5_G(0.003) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 5 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_X(0.010) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk6_G(-0.004) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 6 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_X(0) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_Y(-0.060) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk7_G(0.004) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 7 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_X(0.030) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_Y(0.030) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk8_G(0.006) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 8 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_X(0.040) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcC disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_Y(0.050) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcC disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_Z(0) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcC disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_A(0) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcC disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcC disk 9 InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Disk9_G(-0.007) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcC disk 9
InDetDBTool.DistTypeID(0) - distribution type, ID subdetectors (in this case: fixed values) InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_X(0) - mean value of distribution for X translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_Y(0) - mean value of distribution for Y translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_Z(0) - mean value of distribution for Z translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_A(0) - mean value of distribution for Alpha rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_B(0) - mean value of distribution for Beta rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Mean_G(0) - mean value of distribution for Gamma rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_X(0) - sigma value of distribution for X translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_Y(0) - sigma value of distribution for Y translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_Z(0) - sigma value of distribution for Z translation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_A(0) - sigma value of distribution for Alpha rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_B(0) - sigma value of distribution for Beta rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.ID_Sigma_G(0) - sigma value of distribution for Gamma rotation, ID subdetectors InDetDBTool.Pix_X(0.60) - fixed value for X translation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.Pix_Y(1.05) - fixed value for Y translation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.Pix_Z(1.15) - fixed value for Z translation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.Pix_A(-0.10*0.001) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.Pix_B(0.25*0.001) - fixed value for Beta rotation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.Pix_G(0.65*0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, Pixel (whole detector: barrel+endcaps) InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_X(0.70) - fixed value for X translation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_Y(1.20) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_Z(1.30) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_A(0.10*0.001) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_B(0.05*0.001) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_Ba_G(0.80*0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT barrel InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_X(2.10) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Y(-0.80) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_Z(1.80) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_A(-0.25*0.001) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_B(0) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcA_G(-0.50*0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_X(-1.90) - fixed value for X translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Y(2.00) - fixed value for Y translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_Z(-3.10) - fixed value for Z translation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_A(-0.10*0.001) - fixed value for Alpha rotation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_B(0.05*0.001) - fixed value for Beta rotation, SCT-EcA InDetDBTool.SCT_EcC_G(0.40*0.001) - fixed value for Gamma rotation, SCT-EcA
This tool provides a standard track selection for 'alignment quality' tracks (for the SCT and pixels), allowing this to be standardised among the various alignment algorithms being developed. It currently makes a selection based on the track transverse momentum (p_T), number of 'holes' on the track in the SCT and pixel detectors (i.e. layers crossed by the track but having no associated hit), and number of 'shared' hits assigned to more than one track. The latter quantity is calcuated internally by the tool, by analysing the set of tracks it is passed in a preliminary fillMap call (since the information is not calculated in the TrkTrack framework).
The tool is used as follows:
// track collection const DataVector<Trk::Track>* trks;
//retrieve pre-existing collection from StoreGate sc = m_StoreGate->retrieve(trks, m_trackCollName);
// fill the map m_alignTrackSelTool->fillMap(trks);
DataVector<Trk::Track>::const_iterator trkit; for (trkit=trks->begin(); trkit!=trks->end();++trkit) { int stat = m_alignTrackSelTool->getStatus(**trkit); ... }The method getStatus returns 1 if the track passes cuts, or 0 otherwise. Note that the fillMap step is essential to correctly fill the information on shared hits.
An example of the use of this tool can be found in the InDetAlignNt algorithm in InnerDetector/InDetAlignment/InDetAlignAlgs.