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TLegend * | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::makeLegend (double lower_x, double lower_y, double upper_x, double upper_y, double textsize) |
void | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::drawATLASlabel (const char *text, double x, double y, double textsize) |
void | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::drawDetectorRegionLabel (const char *name, const char *customlabel, double x, double y, double textsize) |
void | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::drawDetectorBoundaryLine (double x, double y_max, int line_style, const char *text) |
void | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::drawDetectorBoundaryLines (const char *bin_var, double y_max) |
double | MuonVertexValidationMacroPlotAnnotations::getMaxy (const TGraphAsymmErrors *graph, double current_max) |