ATLAS Offline Software
The L1Calo Athena monitoring comprises the packages TrigT1CaloMonitoring, TrigT1Monitoring, TrigT1CaloMonitoringTools and a few classes from TrigT1CaloCalibTools. TrigT1CaloMonitoring contains the monitoring of L1Calo sub-detectors, TrigT1Monitoring contains monitoring of L1Calo interfaces with other sub-detectors (Calo, CTP, L2), TrigT1CaloMonitoringTools contains helper tools and scripts, and TrigT1CaloCalibTools contains parts of the Stability monitoring which are also used by standalone analysis jobs (in TrigT1CaloCalibUtils).
The code is used for both online and Tier0 monitoring although there are some differences between the two. Standard JobOptions for TrigT1CaloMonitoring are
The tools use Light Weight Histograms apart from the global error tool which uses ROOT histograms as it needs the ROOT Merge method which is not supported by Light Weight Histograms.