ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
62 const bool swapStripReadout,
64 const double radius1,
const double halfHeight1,
65 const double radius2,
const double halfHeight2,
67 const double etaCenter,
const double phiCenter,
82 double & etaDist,
double & phiDist)
119 virtual double length()
122 virtual double width()
double angularPitch() const
Angular pitch.
virtual double length() const
Method to calculate length of a module.
double thickness() const
Method which returns thickness of the silicon wafer.
virtual bool nearBondGap(const SiLocalPosition &localPosition, double etaTol) const
Test if near bond gap within tolerances.
virtual double minWidth() const
Method to calculate minimum width of a module.
Trk::TrapezoidBounds m_bounds
int readoutSide() const
double radius() const
Nominal center radius of double wafer.
InDetDD::CarrierType carrierType() const
Return carrier type (ie electrons or holes)
virtual SiDiodesParameters parameters(const SiCellId &cellId) const
readout or diode id -> position, size
virtual DetectorShape shape() const
Shape of element.
int crystals() const
number of crystals within module side:
int shift() const
number of edge strips before first readout strip.
int cells() const
number of readout stips within module side:
virtual double etaPitch() const
Pitch in eta direction.
virtual double maxWidth() const
Method to calculate maximum width of a module.
virtual double deadAreaLength() const
give length of dead area
virtual double deadAreaUpperBoundary() const
give upper boundary of dead area
virtual std::pair< SiLocalPosition, SiLocalPosition > endsOfStrip(const SiLocalPosition &position) const
this method returns the ends of the strip
double angularPitch() const
virtual SiLocalPosition localPositionOfCluster(const SiCellId &cellId, int clusterSize) const
Forbidden default constructor.
virtual double scaledDistanceToNearestDiode(const SiLocalPosition &chargePos) const
give distance to the nearest diode in units of pitch, from 0.0 to 0.5, this method should be fast as ...
SCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign & operator=(const SCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign &design)
Assignment operator:
virtual void distanceToDetectorEdge(const SiLocalPosition &localPosition, double &etaDist, double &phiDist) const
Returns distance to nearest detector active edge +ve = inside -ve = outside.
virtual bool inActiveArea(const SiLocalPosition &chargePos, bool checkBondGap=true) const
check if the position is in active area
virtual double stripPitch() const
give the strip pitch (For Forward returns pitch at center)
int diodes() const
number of strips within crystal:
virtual SiCellId cellIdOfPosition(const SiLocalPosition &localPos) const
position -> id
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
SCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign(const SCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign &design)
Copy constructor:
virtual HepGeom::Vector3D< double > phiMeasureSegment(const SiLocalPosition &position) const
method for stereo angle computation - returns a vector parallel to the strip being hit
virtual SiLocalPosition localPositionOfCell(const SiCellId &cellId) const
id -> position
SCT_ForwardFrameTransformation m_frame
polar / cartesian frame transformation
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & bounds() const
Element boundary.
virtual double phiPitch() const
Pitch in phi direction.
double sinStripAngleReco(double phiCoord, double etaCoord) const
Give strip angle in the reco frame.
double radius() const
Nominal center radius of double wafer.
SCT_ForwardModuleSideGeometry m_geometry
geometry of module side
virtual ~SCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign()=default
virtual double deadAreaLowerBoundary() const
give lower boundary of dead area
virtual double width() const
Method to calculate average width of a module.