ATLAS Offline Software
provides the base class Trk::MaterialEffectsBase and its extensions to handle material effects in the ATLAS tracking EDM
The class structure in this package handles information about estimated material effects of charged particles in the detector, i.e. energy loss and multiple scattering. Since most material effects corrections are pure numbers which have no guarantee for consistent interpretation, a polymorphic design has been chosen which groups the predicted/measured quantities in sub-classes owned by the material effects containers class. Its main use is twofold: as information passed through interfaces of e.g. material effects calculators and as part of the Trk::Track, under which it can be stored in ESD/AOD. Note that material effects are never calculated by any of the EDM classes themselves: following the ATLAS EDM guidelines, material effects are calculated in dynamically configurable tools provided by TrkExTools and TrkDetDescrTools.
The persistent representation of this package is under Tracking/TrkEventCnv/TrkEventTPCnv/.../TrkMaterialOnTrack