ATLAS Offline Software
This package is part of the ATN tests suite asserting the performances of the StoreGateSvc
service. It bundles a couple of algorithms to benchmark StoreGateSvc::record()
and StoreGateSvc::retrieve()
method calls to make sure that nothing goes wrong during the maintenance of this key class of the Athena component model. It can also be used (together with the PerfMonSvc
) to perform timing measurements of new concrete implementations of the StoreGateSvc
and analyze the impact of new data structures on StoreGateSvc
The StoreGateTests package contains the following algorithms:
objects and puts them into the event store (StoreGateSvc
). The number and the size of these dummy objects can be modified at the jobOptions level allowing the test to be rather versatile and tweakable.SgTests::PayLoad
objects and reads them back.A typical test job consists of these 2 algorithms chained together in the topSequence. Using the PerfMonSvc
and its performance toolbox, one can deduce basic performances of the StoreGateSvc
class and make sure they satisfy the Atlas requirements.
The tests can be run via the share/
file which will run in sequence the SgStressProducer
and the SgStressConsumer
algorithms. Performance data will be gathered during the job by the PerfMonSvc
and saved into a tuple. This tuple can be analyzed later on by the
script provided by the performance toolbox (see PerfMonSvc)