ATLAS Offline Software
Martin White, Helen Hayward, Shaun Roe,


This package does data monitoring providing algorithms and tools which can give bytestream errors, efficiencies, noises, occupancies, Lorentz angles, tracking quantities for the SCT detector for both online and offline. The histograms are published and used in the Online Histogram Presenter (OHP).

Class Overview

In the new data quality motitoring framework for Run 3, algorithms inherited directly from AthMonitorAlgorithm are used.

In the old data quality monitoring framework up to Run 2, tools inherited directly from ManagedMonitorToolBase are used. Tools will be removed at some point.

Here are the active monitoring algorithms / tools:


Configuration in the new DQ framework and the new job configuration framework

InnerDetector/InDetMonitoring/SCT_Monitoring/python/ is the main configuration script.

When the command is used, the chain is the following:

Configuration in the new DQ framework and the old job configuration framework

InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/ is the main configuration script. To use the new DQ framework, the useNewAlgs flag in the script has to be set True. The default value is True.

When the command is used, the chain is the same as above up to The following chain is:

  • Control/AthenaMonitoring/share/
  • InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/
  • InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/

Configuration in the old DQ framework and the old job configuration framework

InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/ is the main configuration script too. To use the new DQ framework, the useNewAlgs flag in the script has to be set False. The default value is True. The chain is the same as above.