- Author
- Nikos.Konstantinidis -at- cern.ch, Eric.Jansen -at- hef.ru.nl, Juergen.Thomas -at- cern.ch
This package contains the AlgToos that produce the XML fragments of Calorimeter related datatypes for the XML files read by atlantis. The AlgTools, all inheriting from JiveXML::DataRetriever, are the following:
- JiveXML::CaloClusterRetriever : retrieves the CaloClusters. Property:
- JiveXML::CaloRetriever : retrieves the cells for all the different ATLAS Calorimeters
- JiveXML::CaloTBRetriever : largely obsolete now, it was used for CTB-2004 data, to access the information about the rotation of the calorimeters in the CTB setup.