ATLAS Offline Software
Validation tools for tracking in the inner detector.
This package contains tools to validate the tracking in the inner detector. This includes tools to fill validation ntuples e.g. with measurement data and a tool for the calculation of SCT residuals and pulls.
The InDetTrackValidation package contains the following classes:
SCT_RunNumber | run number | int | |
SCT_EventNumber | event number for current PRD vector | int | |
SCT_LumiBlock | event lumi block information | int | |
SCT_TimeStamp | event time stamp | int | |
SCT_BunchCrossing | event bunch crossing ID | int | |
SCT_nRIOs | number of RIOs, i.e. SCT clusters, in the event. This variable set the size of the vectors with cluster information. | int | |
SCT_DriftRadius | local x coordinate of strip | std::vector<float> | mm |
SCT_SurfaceX | global x coordinate of SCT wafer center | std::vector<float> | mm |
SCT_SurfaceY | global x coordinate of SCT wafer center | std::vector<float> | mm |
SCT_SurfaceZ | global x coordinate of SCT wafer center | std::vector<float> | mm |
SCT_BarrelEndcap | from IdHelper: pos/neg barrel (+/-1) and pos/neg endcap (+/-2) | std::vector<int> | 1:bar, 2:ec |
SCT_LayerDisk | from IdHelper: layer/disk index | std::vector<int> | |
SCT_EtaModule | from IdHelper: module index in eta | std::vector<int> | |
SCT_PhiModule | from IdHelper: module index in phi | std::vector<int> | |
SCT_DeltaPhi | please provide description! | std::vector<float> | |
SCT_HitErr | please provide description! | std::vector<float> | |
RDO_SCT_RDO_Group_Size | RDO group size | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_Layer | index of the SCT-layer in which the SCT wafer is positioned | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_Eta | eta of the SCT wafer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_Phi | phi of the SCT wafer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_Side | side of the SCT wafer (0 or 1) within the SCT module | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_Barrelec | barrel/endcap index (barrel: 0, endcap: +/-2) | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_FirstStrip | index (could be from 0 to 767) of the fired strip within the SCT wafer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_NumHitsInWafer | number of hits in the SCT wafer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_WaferHash | index (could be from 0 to 8175) of the fired SCT wafer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_TotalNumBSErrs | total number of BS errors. | int | |
RDO_SCT_BCIDErrs | bunch crossing(BC) ID error - the ROD sets a bit in the link header if the bunch crossing ID for the event it gets ba ck from the link doesn't match its own bunch crossing ID | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_LVL1Errs | same as BCID error, but with the LVL1ID | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_TimeOutErrs | the ROD sent a trigger to the module but got no data back down the link (perhaps the module is dead) | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_PreambleErrs | the ROD found something strange in the header from the link, and set a bit to flag it | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_FormatterErrs | the ROD found something strange in the header from the link, and set a bit to flag it | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_TrailerErrs | the ROD found something strange in the link trailer and sets a bit there to flag it | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_HeaderTrailerLimitErrs | at high trigger rates and/or big events, where the module can't send events fast enough, so just sends headers and trailers, with no hits inbetween | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_ABCDErrs | one of the ABCD chips on the module flagged an error - these errors take the place of a hit, rather than being in the header or trailer | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_RawErrs | the ROD expected a hit, but the word doesn't match the expected format (e.g. due to opto noise?); this type of error also takes the place of a hit | std::vector<int> | |
RDO_SCT_BSParseErrs | the ByteStream decoder found something strange - either a strip out of range or something not in the cabling map, or data words that don't match up with any expected pattern | std::vector<int> |