ATLAS Offline Software


This is an algorithm that merges all individual track collections, SiSeededTracks, back-tracks, standalone TRT tracks etc. It runs at the end of the tracking and before the post processing. It ouputs a global track collection.


This algorithm performs the following tasks:

  1. Loops over the input vector of all available track collections. For each track collection, the track are saved in a common track container that will be stored for later usage. The hit association tool also gets updated simultaneuosly.
  2. Using the new common track collection, that track summary tool is then updated.
  3. The new collection is stored.

Used Tools

This algorithm uses the ITrackSummaryTool, IPRDtoTrackMapTool tools.

Algorithm Contents

The TrkTrackCollectionMerger contains the following classes/files:

  • TrkTrackCollectionMerger.cxx...Main class calling all the necessary tools and producing the ouput track collection.