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class  python.trfAMI.TrfConfig
 Stores the configuration of a transform. More...
class  python.trfAMI.TagInfo
 Stores the information about a given tag. More...


 Utilities for configuration of transforms via AMI tags.


def python.trfAMI._parseExecDict (substep, value)
 Back convert a pre/postExec dictionary into a set of command line compatible strings. More...
def python.trfAMI._parseIncludeDict (substep, value, joinWithChar=",")
 Back convert a pre/postInclude dictionary into a set of command line compatible strings By default use a comma for joining up the list values. More...
def python.trfAMI.isNewAMITag (tag)
def python.trfAMI.getAMIClient (endpoints=['atlas-replica', 'atlas'])
 Get an AMI client. More...
def python.trfAMI.getProdSysTagsCharacters ()
 Get list of characters of ProdSys tags. More...
def python.trfAMI.getPANDAClient ()
 Get PANDA client. More...
def python.trfAMI.ReadablePANDA (s)
 Un-escape information from PANDA. More...
def python.trfAMI.getTrfConfigFromPANDA (tag)
 Get information about a ProdSys tag from PANDA. More...
def python.trfAMI.get_ami_tag (client, tag, suppressNonJobOptions=True)
def python.trfAMI.remove_enclosing_quotes (s)
def python.trfAMI.getTrfConfigFromAMI (tag, suppressNonJobOptions=True)
 Get information about a T0 tag from AMI. More...
def python.trfAMI.deserialiseFromAMIString (amistring)
 Convert from a string to a python object. More...

