ATLAS Offline Software
The DetectorStatus package implements a service to manage detector status information, primarily to flag events where some or all subdetectors are unusable, or should be used with caution. The service maintains a DetStatusMap object, which consists of pairs of string identifiers and associated DetStatus objects. These contain an integer code (mapping to the traffic light colours: 1=red, 2=yellow, 3=green), plus floats specifying the fraction of dead modules and the thrust of the dead modules (giving an idea of their concentration). The DetStatus and DetStatusMap objects are defined elsewhere in the DetDescrConditons data objects package.
For more details on detector status handling, see the CoolDetStatus wiki page at
Each DetStatus object has a corresponding string identifier, which is stored in COOL as the name of a COOL channel in the detector status folder. The currently defined list of COOL channels and string identifier names is as follows:
101 PIXB Pixel barrel 102 PIX0 Pixel B-layer 104 PIXEA Pixel endcap A 105 PIXEC Pixel endcap C 111 SCTB SCT barrel 114 SCTEA SCT endcap A 115 SCTEC SCT endcap C 121 TRTB TRT barrel 124 TRTEA TRT endcap A 125 TRTEC TRT endcap C 130 IDGL ID global 131 IDGB ID global barrel (obsolete) 134 IDGEA ID global endcap A (obsolete) 135 IDGEC ID global endcap C (obsolete) 140 IDAL ID alignment 141 IDAB ID alignment barrel (obsolete) 144 IDAEA ID alignment endcap A (obsolete) 145 IDAEC ID alignment endcap C (obsolete) 150 IDBS Beamspot 160 IDPF ID performance 161 IDVX ID vertexing quality 170 IDBCM ID Beam conditions monitor
202 EMBA LAR EM barrel +z 203 EMBC LAR EM barrel -z 204 EMECA LAR EM endcap A 205 EMECC LAR EM endcap C 214 HECA LAR HEC endcap A 215 HECC LAR HEC endcap C 224 FCALA LAR FCAL endcap A 225 FCALC LAR FCAL endcap C 230 TIGB Tile global 232 TILBA Tile barrel +z 233 TILBC Tile barrel -z 234 TIEBA Tile extemded barrel A 235 TIEBC Tile extended barrel C 244 MBTSA MBTS trigger scintillator side A 245 MBTSC MBTS trigger scintillator side C 251 CALB Calorimeter global barrel 254 CALEA Calorimeter global endcap A 255 CALEC Calorimeter global endcap C
302 MDTBA MDT barrel +z 303 MDTBC MDT barrel -z 304 MDTEA MDT endcap A 305 MDTEC MDT endcap C 312 RPCBA RPC barrel A 313 RPCBC RPC barrel C 324 TGCEA TGC endcap A 325 TGCEC TGC endcap C 334 CSCEA CSC endcap A 335 CSCEC CSC endcap C
350 LCD LUCID global 353 LCDA LUCID side A 354 LCDC LUCID side C 360 ALFA ALFA luminosity monitor 370 ZDC ZDC luminosity monitor
401 L1CAL L1 calorimeter trigger 402 L1MUB L1 muon trigger barrel 403 L1MUE L1 muon trigger endcaps 404 L1CTP L1 central trigger
411 TRCAL Calorimeter trigger 412 HLTEF HLT-event filter (obselete)
420 TRDF trigger dataflow 421 TRBJT trigger b-jet slice 422 TRBPH trigger B-physics slice 423 TRCOS trigger cosmics slice 424 TRELE trigger electron slice 425 TRGAM trigger gamma slice 426 TRJET trigger jet slice 427 TRMET trigger muon slice 428 TRMBI trigger min bias slice 429 TRMUO trigger muon slice 430 TRTAU trigger tau slice 431 TRIDT trigger ID tracking
450 LUMI Offline luminosity OK 451 LUMIONL Online luminosity OK 460 RUNCLT Run-control automatic flag 461 RCOPS Run-control operator flag
480 ATLGL Global data quality flag (DQ shifter) 481 ATLSOL Solenoid status 482 ATLTOR Toroid status
501 EIDB electron ID barrel 502 EIDCR electron ID crack region 503 EIDE electron ID endcap 505 PIDB photon ID barrel 506 PIDCR photon ID crack region 507 PIDE photon ID endcap 508 EIDF electron ID forward region 509 EIDSOFT low PT electronID 511 MIDB muon ID barrel 514 MIDEA muon ID endcap A 515 MIDEC muon ID endcap C 510 MSTACO muon ID Staco algorithm 511 MMUIDCB muon ID MuID combined algorithm 512 MMUIDVX muon ID MuID VX algorithm 513 MMUGIRL muon ID MuGirl algorithm 514 MMUBOY muon ID MuonBoy algorithm 515 MMUIDSA muon ID MuID standalone algorithm 516 MMUTAG muon ID MuTag algorithm 517 MMTIMO muon ID MuTagIMO algorithm 518 MCMUTAG muon ID CaloMuonTag algorithm 519 MCALLHR muon ID CaloLHR algorithm 521 JETB jet barrel 524 JETEA jet endcap A 525 JETEC jet endcap C 526 JETFA jet forward side A 527 JETFC jet forward side C 530 MET missing ET 531 METCALO missing ET calorimeters only 532 METMUON missing ET with muons 541 BTGLIFE b-tagging lifetime-based 544 BTGSOFTE b-tagging soft electron 545 BTGSOFTM b-tagging soft muon 551 TAUB tau ID barrel 552 TAUEA tau ID crack region 553 TAUEC tau ID endcap
For each COOL channel, the COOL payload consists of three items: the integer 'Code' which gives the status, the float 'deadFrac' giving the fraction of dead modules, and the float 'Thrust' giving the thrust value of the dead modules. The bottom two bits of the Code variable define the colour (unknown=0, red=1, yellow=2, green=3), and the other bits are free for the user (e.g. to indicate more details of the type of failure).
Detector status information is stored in the COOL conditions database in the /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM folder, indexed by luminosity blocks. The LBSUMM folder in the OFLP200 database contains a default set of entries valid for all runs, given GREEN status for all detectors with zero dead fraction, tagged with the COOL tag DetStatusLBSumm_nominal. Entering the status for a particular run will then override this default information.