ATLAS Offline Software
- This class is the base class for the fast simulation in athena
- LArFastShower: the main guiding code for the fast simulation. Controls application of the various types of fast simulation.
- For each subdetector in {FCAL, FCAL2, EMB, EMEC}, a separate class contains all constants for parameterization (ShowerParameters) which inherit from a base class
- For each subdetector in {HEC, FCAL, FCAL2, EMB, EMEC}, a separate class contains all flags and energy cut offs for parameterization, frozen showers, and killing application (ParticleBounds) which inherit from a base class
- For each subdetector in {FCAL, EMB, EMEC}, a separate class contains special sensitive detectors for frozen shower library application (FastSimDedicatedSD) which inherit from a base class
- TestActionTimer: a class for recording simulation time divided by subdetector and by particle type
- LArG4FastSimulation_setupTimer_jobOptions.py: job options for enabling the TestActionTimer class
- analyzeTimer.pl: a perl script for analyzing the results of the TestActionTimer in the sim log file
- LArG4FastSimulation_frozenShowers_jobOptions.py: job option script for setting up frozen showers during simulation. Not necessary any more.
- LArG4FastSimulation_setup_jobOptions.py: job options script for setting up fast simulation. Not necessary any more with current flag construction.
- For questions or comments: Joe Boudreau (boudr.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.pitt..nosp@m.edu) or the Atlas Fast Simulation Group (atlas.nosp@m.-sho.nosp@m.wer-p.nosp@m.aram.nosp@m.@cern.nosp@m..ch)