ATLAS Offline Software
The DetDescrCondtions package


This package collects together conditions database objects used in detector description applications. The POOL converters for all the objects are defined in the package InDetCondAthenaPool.


This class consists of a vector of HepGeom::Transform3Ds each associated with an offline Identifier. It is used for example to store the alignment constants for each layer of the SCT and pixel detector. Methods are provided to get and set the tranforms using the Identifier as a key, to iterate over all the transforms in the class, and to print the contents.

An AlignableTransformContainer is also defined, consisting of a DataVector of AlignableTransforms, allowing them to be read/written as a single entity.


This class consists of a vector of vectors of floats, each associated with an offline Identifier. Several identifiers can be mapped to the same set of floats to save space where common constants are required. This class is used for example by the TRT calibration data.


This class consists of a vector of HepGeom::Transform3Ds, each associated with an artbitrary string identifier. It is similar to AlignableTranform, but using strings instead of Identifiers, and the internal implementation is simpler (using a map instead of an embedded class).