ATLAS Offline Software
Diego Casadei


This package defines the transient class needed to keep info about the missing energy vector and the total (scalar) energy sums computed by the ATLAS HLT. More details are provided by the AtlasHltMetSlice twiki page and in the ATL-COM-DAQ-2008-008 note.

Class Overview

The TrigMissingEtEvent package contains of following classes:

  • TrigMissingET : contains global quantities [the missing energy vector components, scalar sums of total and transverse energy, the event flag and the (unused) RoIword] and local quantities corresponding to individual contributions [e.g. calo samplings, muons]. Each individual component is an instance of the TrigMissingEtComponent class.
  • TrigMissingEtComponent : contains local contributions to the missing energy vector and to the scalar energy sums, together with calibration constants and a component-level status flag.
  • TrigMissingETContainer : used to save things on disk, via transient / persistent separation implemented in the TrigMissingEtEventTPCnv package.