ATLAS Offline Software
This package implements a certain number of classes of identifiers used to describe the calorimeter cells.
Several descriptions of a calorimeter cell are available. A cell can be described by its "geometric" components (detector,z-side,region,sampling,eta,phi) or by its "hardware" components (detector,z-side,feedthrough, FEC slot,FEB channel). A cell can also be described according to the High Voltage line characteristics that powers it. To Each of these description corresponds an identifier, which implements univoquely the corresponding characteristics.
An Identifier is a 32-bit integer in which all the information regarding the object is encoded. To every cell is associated a geometric identifier called "offline identifier" and an hardware identifier also called "online identifier". Only the "online identifier" associated to the cell is a persistent data.
An Helper provides the framework of the identifier description. In our case there are "online helpers" and "offline Helpers". Helpers contains the complete description of the identifiers in terms of "Fields" defined in a "Dictionary" (which, in Atlas, is an xml file). Helpers also provides all functionalities needed to access the identifier or a set of identifiers identifiers of a specific sub-system, per eta, etc...)
This package contains three main classes of identifiers: one for the hardware description of a cell, and two used in the HighVoltage description of a cell.
The LArIdentifier package contains of following classes:
The following classes are no longer used from release 11 on and are kept
for backward compatibility reasons only (comissionning analyses):