ATLAS Offline Software
This package contains the code related to the two trigger oriented algorithms that are processed at the TileCal ROD DSPs:
These algorithms are implemented in the ROD DSP code and meant to be running online during LHC operation. Their output is encoded in dedicated subfragments in the ROD data format (see TileByteStream package) to contribute to the LVL2 trigger. A specific class, called TileL2 (see TileEvent package), is used to store the results from these ROD DSP algorithms. Each of these algorithms has associated a LVL2 trigger algorithm. In particular, the muon identification performed at the ROD DSPs is used at LVL2 by TrigTileRODMuAlg (see TrigTileMuId package).
The TileL2Algs package contains the following classes:
TileRawChannelToL2: emulates the algorithms processed at the TileCal ROD DSP level to contribute to the LVL2 trigger:
It takes as input the raw channels from TileRawChannelContainer. The resulting TileL2 objects store the information about the number of tagged muons, their coordinates eta and phi, the energy deposited in TileCal, a quality factor and the \( E_{\rm{T}} \) per superdrawer. There is a TileL2 object per superdrawer, stored in a TileL2Container in StoreGate.
TileMuRODToNtuple: retrieves the TileL2 objects from TileL2Container and dumps the muon tagging information calculated inside the TileCal ROD DSPs in a directory, called TileMuRODTag, in the ntuple. The variables stored in the ntuple are:
CBNTAA_TileMuROD: retrieves the TileL2 objects from TileL2Container and dumps the muon tagging information calculated inside the TileCal ROD DSPs in AANT. The variables stored in the ntuple are:
CBNTAA_TileL2Met: retrieves the TileL2 objects from TileL2Container and dumps the transverse energy information calculated inside the TileCal ROD DSPs in AANT. The variables stored in the ntuple are: