3 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator
import ComponentAccumulator
4 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory
import CompFactory
5 from BTagging.MSVVariablesFactoryConfig
import MSVVariablesFactoryCfg
8 def JetSecVertexingAlgCfg(flags, BTagVxSecVertexInfoName, SVAlgName, BTaggingCollection, JetCollection, TrackCollection, PrimaryVertexCollectionName="", SVFinder="", **options):
9 """Adds a SecVtxTool instance and registers it.
11 input: name: The tool's name.
12 JetCollection The name of the jet collections.
13 ToolSvc: The ToolSvc instance.
14 options: Python dictionary of options to be passed to the SecVtxTool.
19 if SVFinder ==
21 if SVFinder ==
22 JetSVLink =
25 if SVFinder ==
26 JetSVLink =
33 options.setdefault(
'SecVtxFinderxAODBaseName', SVFinder)
34 options.setdefault(
'vxPrimaryCollectionName', PrimaryVertexCollectionName)
35 options[
'JetCollectionName'] = JetCollection
36 options[
'BTagVxSecVertexInfoName'] = BTagVxSecVertexInfoName
37 options[
'TrackCollectionName'] = TrackCollection
38 options[
'BTagJFVtxCollectionName'] = BTaggingCollection + JetSVLink
39 options[
'BTagSVCollectionName'] = BTaggingCollection + JetSVLink
40 options[
'JetSecVtxLinkName'] = JetCollection +
'.' + JetSVLink
41 options.setdefault(
'MSVVariableFactory', varFactory)
42 options[
'name'] = SVAlgName
45 acc.addEventAlgo(CompFactory.Analysis.JetSecVertexingAlg(**options))