ATLAS Offline Software


This is an algorithm used to associate TRT segments to truth particle segments in order to provide an efficiency estimation. The association is done on a hit-by-hit basis.


This algorithm performs the following tasks:

  1. Loads the reconstructed TRT segments, the container of the truth associated TRT PRDs and the container of all the reconstructed TRT drift circles.
  2. Loops over all the reconstructed TRT drift circles and using their associated truth particle, creates all truth particles track segments inside the TRT. Cuts on pT, eta, origin of truth particle and minimum number of drit circles, all configurable via job options, are applied in order to select the reconstructable truth TRT track segments. These are stored in a multimap. The rea possibility of a TRT drift circle been shared by more than one truth particle is taken into account.
  3. Then loops over the reconstructed TRT segments and extracts the drift circles from each one of them. These are used to decide on what truth particle to associate to the reconstructed track. A minimum number of correct hits, again configurable via the job options, is required in order for the assignment to be valid.
  4. By comparing the results of setps 2,3 above an efficiency is computed.

Algorithm Contents

The InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation contains the following classes/files:

  • InDetSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation.cxx...Main class that does the truth association and computes an efficiency.