ATLAS Offline Software
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def skel.get_immediate_subdirectories (a_dir)
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def skel.OutputTXTFile ()
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def skel._norm (s)
def skel._norm2 (s)
def skel._short2 (s)
def skel.checkBlackList (relFlavour, cache, generatorName)
 Propagate debug output level requirement to generators. More...
def skel.checkPurpleList (relFlavour, cache, generatorName)
def skel.find_unique_file (pattern)
 Helper functions for input file handling. More...
def skel.merge_lhe_files (listOfFiles, outputFile)
 Check that there is exactly 1 match. More...
def skel.mk_symlink (srcfile, dstfile)
def skel._checkattr (attr, required=False)
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 skel.fixSeq = acam.athMasterSeq.EvgenFixSeq
 skel.rel = os.popen("echo $AtlasVersion").read()
 Announce start of JO checkingrelease nimber checking. More...
 Include the JO fragment. More...
string skel.lkwfile = "CategoryList.txt"
 Check that the L1 and L2 keywords pairs are in the list of allowed words pairs (and exit if processing an official JO) More...
 skel.lkwpath = None
list skel.allowed_cat = []
 Load the allowed categories names from the file. More...
 skel.allowed_list = ast.literal_eval(line)
list skel.bad_cat = []
 Check the JO categories against the allowed ones. More... = iter(evgenConfig.categories)
 skel.l1 = x
 skel.l2 = next(it)
 skel.gendict = generatorsGetInitialVersionedDictionary(gennames)
 skel.gennamesvers = generatorsVersionedStringList(gendict)
def skel.errorBL = checkBlackList("AthGeneration",rel,gennames)
 Announce start of JO checkingrelease number checking. More...
def skel.errorPL = checkPurpleList("AthGeneration",rel,gennames)
bool skel.inHeader = False
 Reading first event signals that we are done with all the header information Using this approach means the script will properly handle any metadata stored at the beginning of the file. More...
 skel.holdHeader = header
 skel.tmp = line.split("=")
 each input file ends with "</LesHouchesEvents>". More...
 skel.line = line.replace(tmp[0],str(nevents))
 skel.nnn = str(nevents)
 skel.inputroot = os.path.basename(runArgs.inputGeneratorFile).split(".tar.")[0]
 Find and symlink dat and event files, so they are available via the name expected by the generator. More...
def skel.realDatFile = find_unique_file('*%s*.dat' % inputroot)
 skel.myinputfiles = runArgs.inputGeneratorFile
 skel.genInputFiles = myinputfiles.split(',')
 skel.numberOfFiles = len(genInputFiles)
def skel.realEventsFile = find_unique_file('*%s.*ev*ts' % inputroot)
list skel.allFiles = []
 skel.input0 = os.path.basename(file).split("._")[0]
tuple skel.input1 = (os.path.basename(file).split("._")[1]).split(".")[0]
 skel.first_line = f.readline()
int skel.count_ev = 0