- Author
- Edwar.nosp@m.d.Mo.nosp@m.yse@c.nosp@m.ern..nosp@m.ch
This package handles the transient / persistent separation for the persistification of Muon EDM classes
Summary of current convertors (as defined in selection.xml)
- PRDs
- General
- MuonPRD_Container_p2 - templated class which contains typedefs, e.g. MdtPrepDataContainer_p2
- MuonPRD_Collection_p2 - non-templated class to hold generic collection info, such as id, hash and length.
- Technology specific
- For all of the following, the PRD convertor handles the position, error, and specifics of the class. The Container convertor is responsible for the collections AND for filling re-calculatable information, such as hashes etc
- MdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 / MdtPrepDataContainer_p2
- CscPrepDataCnv_p2 / CscPrepData_p2
- CscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 / CscPrepDataContainer_p2
- RpcPrepDataCnv_p3 / RpcPrepData_p3
- RpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3 / RpcPrepDataContainer_p3
- TgcPrepDataCnv_p2 / TgcPrepData_p2
- TgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 / TgcPrepDataContainer_p2
Summary of old convertors (as defined in OLD_selection.xml):
- PRDs
- MdtPrepDataContainer_tlp1 - old 'top' level convertor
The ARA convertors are defined in ARA_selection.xml
Further links
- See also
- https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/MuonEventDataModel