- Author
- Tomma.nosp@m.so.L.nosp@m.ari@c.nosp@m.ern..nosp@m.ch
This package manages the creation of InDetPrepRawData objects for the Inner Detector.
There are three classes, all of them Algorithms:
For each module, retrieves the RDO collection, and calls an algorithm tool of SiClusterizationTool (default is MergedPixelTool, can be changed by job option) which clusters togheter neighbouring pixels and creates a cluster collection (actually, an InDetPrepRawDataCollection)
- SCT_Clusterization For each module, retrieves the RDO collection, and calls an algorithm tool of SiClusterizationTool which clusters together adjacent strips and creates a cluster collection (actually, an InDetPrepRawDataCollection). Previous versions referenced SCT_ChannelStatusAlg, vestigial code from combined test beam 2004. This was removed July 2007, pending introduction of the use of SCT_ConditionsAlgTools.