ATLAS Offline Software
This package provide muon identification exploiting the transverse and radial segmentation of the Tile Calorimeter. The algorithm starts with a search for a candidate muon in all the outer radial layer cells. A candidate muon is defined when the energy in one cell is compatible with typical muon energy deposition (i.e. \( thr_{low} \leq E \leq thr_{hi} \)). The thresholds cut the electronic noise, the pile up of minimum bias events and tails of hadronic showers. Individual threshold for each cell are determined using single muon events. When a candidate is found the search is continued in the central and innermost layer cells following a pattern from the cell of candidate toward the interaction region, evaluating at each step the compatibility of the cell energy with the energy deposition of a muon. The pattern search is implemented in the algorithm as a look up table which can be easily modified to improve the algorithm efficiency. The ( \( \eta, \phi \)) coordinates of the found "track" are calculated as the average coordinates of the crossed cells in the three layers. The typical resolutions are \( \sigma_{\eta}=0.04 \) and \( \sigma_{\phi}=0.06 \) rad.
One simplified version of the algorithm is implemented in the ROD DSP; this provides (online) the info described above encoded in the ROD fragment. The TileMuId package contains the following classes: