ATLAS Offline Software
- This class is for the validation of simulation, in particular for the liquid argon calorimetry
- generate: a script to run a variety of simulation flavors with output in ntuple and histogram formats. generate keeps track of energy deposition in all calorimeter sections using the SingleTrackValidation class.
- SingleTrackValidation: the class that takes care of ntuple building and histogramming for generate and the other similar scripts included
- SingleTrackValidation-H62003.py: a validation script similar to generate for the 2003 test beam
- SingleTrackValidation.py: a direct interface to SingleTrackValidation.
- ValidateRome.py: a validation script similar to generate for the Rome samples
- digitize: a script for standard digitization of the output from the generate script
- jobOptions.singleTrackValidation.py: a jobOptions level interface to the SingleTrackValidation object
- validate-electrons: single electron validation, similar to a reduced generate script
- share/generateRTT_jobOptions.py: dummy job options for RTT running
- share/generateRTT_*.C: Post processing root job for running generate script in RTT jobs
- test/LArG4Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: Configuraton XML file for RTT running
- For questions or comments: Joe Boudreau boudr.nosp@m.eau@.nosp@m.pitt..nosp@m.edu