ATLAS Offline Software
Event Rejection Criteria and Stream Restrictions

Event Rejection Criteria

An event can be omitted from the monitoring for a number of reasons. The following table shows the main ones and which monitoring tools are affected.

Monitoring Tool Corrupt ROB Errors LAr Noise Bursts
TrigT1CaloGlobalMonTool Yes - -
PPrMon Yes - -
PPrSpareMon Yes - -
PPMSimBSMon Yes - -
PPrStabilityMon Yes - -
TrigT1CaloCpmMonTool Yes - -
CPMSimBSMon Yes Yes -
EmEfficienciesMonTool Yes - Yes
JEMMon Yes - -
CMMMon Yes - -
JEPSimBSMon Yes Yes -
JetEfficienciesMonTool Yes - Yes
TrigT1CaloRodMonTool Yes (1) - -

(1) The errors causing the event rejection are histogrammed in the ROD directory tree.

See the documentation for TrigT1CaloMonErrorTool in TrigT1CaloMonitoringTools for the definition of Corrupt.

ROB Errors means any ROB status errors or bytestream unpacking errors. Since these cause the ROB fragment to be skipped they almost inevitably mean there will be mismatches in the data/simulation cross-checks.

Event Stream Restrictions

Not all monitoring is needed or makes sense on all streams on Tier0 or online. The following table shows which tools are run on which streams. The selection is made in the jobOptions.

Monitoring Tool express Egamma JetTauEtmiss Muons Other Online
TrigT1CaloGlobalMonTool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PPrMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PPrSpareMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PPMSimBSMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PPrStabilityMon Yes - - - - Yes (1)
TrigT1CaloCpmMonTool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CPMSimBSMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
EmEfficienciesMonTool Yes - Yes Yes - -
JEMMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CMMMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JEPSimBSMon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JetEfficienciesMonTool Yes Yes - Yes - -
TrigT1CaloRodMonTool Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

(1) Online PPrStabilityMon is run separately as it produces many thousands of histograms. Tier0 runs a much stripped down version.