ATLAS Offline Software
The Cabling Services ( CaloTriggerTowerService of the present package, LArCablingService and TileCablingService ) are meant to provide the mapping between cells and Trigger Towers, between offline and online identifiers and other mappings.
Online TT channel to TT offline conversion, example:
try { HWIdentifier ttChannel = ...; Identifier ttId = cnvToIdentifier(ttChannel) ; } catch(LArID_Exception& except) { msglog << MSG::ERROR << "LArID_Exception " << (std::string) except << endmsg ; }
and TT offline id to TT online conversion, example:
try { Identifier ttOffId = ...; HWIdentifier ttOnlId = createTTChannelID(ttOffId) } catch(LArID_Exception& except) { msglog << MSG::ERROR << "LArID_Exception " << (std::string) except << endmsg ; }
Cell offline to Trigger Tower offline correspondance, example:
// //... to which TT does this cell belong // Identifier cellId = ...; Identifier ttId = m_cablingService->whichTTID(cellId);
Trigger Tower offline to cell offline correspondance, example:
Identifier ttId = ...; // //... fill a vector with offline identifier of cells belonging to offline tower ttId (offline id with layer info-- so called 'extended') // std::vector < Identifier > channelIdVec = m_cablingService->createCellIDvecLayer(ttId); // //... fill a vector with offline identifier of cells belonging to offline tower ttId (offline id without layer info) // std::vector < Identifier > channelIdVec = m_cablingService->createCellIDvecTT(ttId);
Channel online to Trigger Tower online correspondance
NOTA BENE: the mapping is actually stored in terms of offline<->offline correspondance, therefore the offline<->offline conversion is faster than the online<->online conversion below.