ATLAS Offline Software
The TrkExTools package

This is the core package for track extrapolation tools in the new RTF reconstruction scheme.


The extrapolation process is organised by two different layers:

  • propagation of parameters and covariances: This is done by the Trk::IPropagator AlgTools, different types of propagators are available for different magnetic field resp. material setups
  • extrapolation: this includes navigation, material update and makes use of the propagation. The main tool combining this is the Trk::IExtrapolator.

Description of AlgTools

Following interface classes for AlgTools have are defined in this package:

Interface Class Description
Trk::IExtrapolator Defines the interface of the Trk::Extrapolator AlgTool, a concrete implementation can be found as the Trk::Extrapolator class.
Trk::IPropagator Defines the interface for all Propagator types, each mathematical propagator has to inherit from the Trk::IPropagator class. The Trk::IExtrapolator retrieves different implementation of Trk::IPropagator AlgTools.
Trk::INavigator Defines the interface of the Trk::Navigator AlgTool, a concrete implementation can be found as the Trk::Navigator class.
Trk::IMaterialEffectsUpdator Defines the interface of the Trk::MaterialEffectUpdator class, a concrete implementation can be found as the Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator.
Trk::IEnergyLossUpdator Defines the interface of the Trk::EnergyLossUpdator class, a concrete implementation can be found as the Trk::EnergyLossUpdator.
Trk::IMultipleScatteringUpdator Defines the interface of the Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator class, a concrete implementation can be found as the Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator.

In addition, following concrete implementations can be found in this scope:

AlgTool Description
Trk::Extrapolator The main AlgTool for extrapolation in the new RTF reconstruction scheme, it retrieves and makes use of Trk::IPropagator, Trk::INavigator, Trk::IMaterialEffectsUpdatpor AlgTools. The Trk::Extrapolator can be used in a configured mode or in a strategy pattern design.
Trk::Navigator The implementation of a Navigation AlgTool, it makes use of the Trk::GeometryBuilder, of different Trk::IPropagator implementations etc.
Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator Implementation of an AlgTool retrieving the Trk::EnergyLossUpdator and the Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator.
Trk::EnergyLossUpdator Implementation of an AlgTool performing a surface-based material effects update covering energy loss effects.
Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator Implementation of an AlgTool performing a surface-based material effects update covering multiple scattering effects.


Please let me know of any errors, or if anything is unclear.


The libaray type is a pure component library.