ATLAS Offline Software

This package contains classes which provide general information about an event.

The main information is in the EventInfo class which provides access to then:

  • EventID: the unique identification of the event.
  • EventType: the type of the event, e.g. simulation, testbeam, etc
  • TriggerInfo: trigger information

For simulation pileup, two classes (MergedEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo) extend this class.

The EventInfo may also contain a set of detector description tags (name/value pairs) which were used to process the event, e.g. coming from GeoModel and IOVDb. These are stored in EventType. As well, during event processing the tags are stored in a TagInfo object in the DetectorStore. The TagInfoMgr service manages the creation of the TagInfo object from information in the incoming event and IOVDb.