ATLAS Offline Software
ICaloEstimatedGainTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for ICaloEstimatedGainTool, including all inherited members.

DeclareInterfaceID(ICaloEstimatedGainTool, 1, 0)ICaloEstimatedGainTool
estimatedGain(const EventContext &ctx, const CaloCell &caloCell, const Step step) const =0ICaloEstimatedGainToolpure virtual
estimatedGain(const EventContext &ctx, const CaloCell &caloCell, const CaloDetDescrElement &caloDDE, const Step step) const =0ICaloEstimatedGainToolpure virtual
estimatedGain(const EventContext &ctx, const CaloDetDescrElement &caloDDE, const float energy, const Step step) const =0ICaloEstimatedGainToolpure virtual
Step enum nameICaloEstimatedGainTool