- Author
- Niels.nosp@m..Van.nosp@m..Eldi.nosp@m.k@ce.nosp@m.rn.ch, ketev.nosp@m.i@bn.nosp@m.l.gov, Zdenk.nosp@m.o.Va.nosp@m.n.Kes.nosp@m.tere.nosp@m.n@cer.nosp@m.n.ch
This package contains general tools needed by the Muon Calibration Framework
Class Overview
- MuonCalib::AtlasRegionSelectorTool: default Region Selector for Atlas calibration, segments are selected by chamber
- MuonCalib::TestbeamRegionSelectorTool: Region Selector for 2004 testbeam, only segments in the 2 multilayers of rotating BIL are used by the calibration
- MuonCalib::PatternNtupleMaker: creates and fills ntuple with MuonCalibEvents
- MuonCalib::IdToFixedIdTool: translates an (ATHENA) Identifier to a (Calib EDM) MuonFixedId. And vice versa.